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Indoor Plants, HOUSEPLANTS

All About Orchids

February 2, 2023


Are you a little intimidated by orchids, thinking they are too exotic and complex to care for? Fear not! Most orchids can be grown successfully in your home, providing beautiful blooms year after year with just a little attention to their growing environment.

Basic Orchid Care

Light Conditions – Most orchids require lots of bright light to produce blooms successfully. They prefer indirect sunlight from south or east-facing windows and ensure they are not in direct sunlight.

An orchid’s leaf colour is a good indication of how your plant is adapting to light conditions.

  • A plant with bright, green leaves will indicate a healthy orchid.
  • An orchid with dark green leaves needs more light.
  • Leaves that have turned yellow or red are getting too much light.

Watering – Let your orchids dry out between waterings. You can always tell if your orchid needs watering by observing its roots.

  • Plump white or green roots – indicate a healthy, well-watered orchid.
  • Dry grey roots – mean your orchid needs more water.
  • Brown or black roots that are shrivelled and dry – are a definite sign of root rot, and you need to water less frequently.

How to water – Use room temperature water and water until you see it flow out the bottom. Be sure to drain off excess water so the roots don’t sit in a saturated medium, which can lead to rot. Increase water frequency during the growing season.


Humidity – Orchids do best in a slightly humid environment, ranging from 40% to 70%. During the winter, when our heating systems are running, it may be necessary to spray them with water at room temperature or add a supplemental humidity source like a humidifier to the room.


Air Movement – Air movement is the counterbalance to humidity for successful orchid growth. A steady, gentle airflow around your orchid will help keep your orchids healthy. Proper airflow will moderate temperatures, freshen the air around the orchid, and reduce the chance of bacteria or mold developing in an overly humid environment.


Fertilizer – Always use a fertilizer formulated specifically for orchids. It is best to feed orchids during the spring and summer as this is considered their growing season. Orchids go into a dormant state during the fall and winter months and need time to allow their roots and leaves to get stronger. For this reason, you should cut back or stop fertilizing during the winter so they can use their energy to prepare for spring and summer blooming.


Orchid Potting MixtureOrchid potting mixtures or mediums contain various sizes of bark, sphagnum moss, pearlite, and horticultural charcoal. This medium allows air to circulate around their roots. A suitable orchid potting mixture will mimic their natural growth environment, providing good airflow and drainage. Never use regular potting soil.


Type of Pot – Orchids perform best when planted in woven plastic or fibre orchid pots with slits around the permitter allowing continuous airflow throughout the soil and roots. These pots closely replicate how orchids grow in their natural habitat and perform well in high humidity, keeping the plants from drying out too quickly.


Orchids like to feel snug in their space, so when choosing a pot, allow for about an inch of spacing outside the root growth area.


Repotting – Your orchid may need repotting if you see white roots growing out of its container or when its planting medium ages and breaks down. Repotting with a fresh planting medium will refresh the plant and eliminate the risk of rot at the root level.


The best time to repot is in late spring or fall when blooming is complete. When repotting, you should water lightly initially and increase water intake when new growth appears.

Types of Orchids

Orchids are an amazingly diverse and adaptable group of plants with up to 50,000 known species. With such a wide variety of gorgeous plants to choose from, it may be hard to know which orchid will be best for you. Here is a list of some of the most common indoor orchid houseplants.

Dendrobium Orchids

These are beautiful houseplants with delicate blooms that last up to 3 months and, with proper care, will re-bloom year after year. Two different species of Dendrobium orchid have slightly different care requirements.


Dendrobium Phalaenopsis – Originates from the warmer climates of southeast Asia and Australia.

  • They bloom on long flower stems, with small oval leaves on their lower section.
  • They thrive in warm growing conditions all year round and can be watered and fed all year.
  • They like bright, indirect light, good air circulation, and humidity between 50% and 70%.


Dendrobium Nobile – Originates from cooler regions of China and India and is sometimes called cool growing. They have thick stems with narrow oval leaves.

  • They thrive in cooler conditions and do best in the summer in partial shade with indirect sunlight.
  • They need brighter conditions in the fall and winter with little water, no fertilizer, and cool night temperatures.


Phalaenopsis Orchids

Sometimes referred to as moth orchids, they are considered one of the easiest orchids to grow. They are native to the tropics of Asia and Australia.

  • Phalaenopsis needs bright, indirect light with temperatures between 21–29°C during the day and 15–18°C for night temperatures. Early morning and late afternoon sun are acceptable; however, avoid midday sunlight, especially in summer.
  • Individual blooms last one month or more, and well-established plants can flower 2 or 3 times a year. They come in white, pink, yellow, and violet flower options.
Cattleya Orchids

These orchids are mainly native to the tropical regions of the Americas, where they thrive in high humidity and abundant light. Cattleyas are epiphytic orchids, meaning they attach themselves to other plants. They have well-developed water-storage organs called pseudobulbs and large, fleshy stems.

  • Cattleyas like the sun, so a western or southern exposure is ideal. They will tolerate other exposures, but their blooming will be sparse.
  • Blooms can be 5 to 7 inches across in white, yellow, orange, purple, pink, blue, green, and red, and flowers generally last 2–4 weeks.
  • Although growing orchids may seem challenging, with just a little attention to their growing environment, you will be rewarded with a healthy, beautifully blooming plant.
Why your Orchid won’t Bloom

Inadequate Light:

  • Issue: Orchids need the right balance of light to thrive, and insufficient light can lead to premature bloom fading.
  • Solution: Ensure your orchid receives appropriate light based on its specific requirements. Most orchids thrive in bright, indirect light. Adjust the placement of your orchid to optimize light exposure without subjecting it to direct sunlight.

Improper Watering:

  • Issue: Overwatering or underwatering can stress orchids, causing premature flower drop.
  • Solution: Establish a consistent watering routine. Orchids prefer a well-draining medium. Allow the top inch of the potting mix to dry before watering again. Ensure that water doesn’t accumulate at the base of the orchid, leading to root rot.

Extreme Temperatures:

  • Issue: Orchids are sensitive to extreme temperatures, and sudden fluctuations can impact bloom longevity.
  • Solution: Keep your orchid in a stable environment. Avoid placing it near drafts, heating vents, or air conditioners. Orchids generally prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C) during the day and a slightly cooler range at night.

Nutrient Deficiency:

  • Issue: Orchids, like all plants, require proper nutrition. Inadequate nutrients can result in weak and short-lived blooms.
  • Solution: Feed your orchid with a balanced orchid fertilizer regularly. Follow the recommended dosage, and avoid over-fertilizing, which can be as detrimental as under-fertilizing.

Pest Infestation:

  • Issue: Insects such as aphids or mealybugs can damage orchid blooms, leading to premature wilting.
  • Solution: Inspect your orchid regularly for signs of pests. Treat any infestations promptly using insecticidal soap or neem oil. Isolate the affected orchid to prevent the pests from spreading to other plants.

Ethylene Exposure:

  • Issue: Orchids are sensitive to ethylene gas, which is emitted by fruits, certain household items, and even some cut flowers.
  • Solution: Keep your orchids away from ethylene-producing items. If placing orchids in a vase with other flowers, ensure they are ethylene-friendly companions.

End of Natural Bloom Cycle:

  • Issue: Orchids, like many plants, have a natural bloom cycle, and flowers will eventually fade and drop as part of this process.
  • Solution: Understand the natural blooming cycle of your orchid species. Some orchids may bloom for weeks, while others for several months. Once the natural cycle is complete, trim the spent spike with sharp, sterile sheers, and allow the orchid to focus on new growth.
Post-Bloom Cycle Care

Once the blossoming cycle concludes, thoughtful attention to the stems is essential for encouraging future growth. Here’s a guide on what to do with orchid flower stems once the bloom has faded:

  • Remove Faded Blooms: As the flowers naturally fade, gently trim the spent blooms with clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Make cuts just above a node or swelling on the stem.
  • Prune Above the Node: If the stem has multiple nodes, you can trim it just above a healthy, visible node. This encourages the orchid to produce new growth from that point.
  • Cut Back to the Base: If the entire stem has completed its flowering cycle and shows no signs of new growth, you can trim it back to the base of the plant. Make a clean cut to avoid jagged edges.
  • Encourage New Growth with Side Shoots: Orchids, particularly Phalaenopsis, may produce new blooms from old spikes. If nodes are present on the stem, cutting just above a node can stimulate the growth of side shoots that may develop into new flower spikes.
  • New Flower Spikes: In some cases, a healthy orchid may produce new flower spikes from the base or nodes even after the initial stem has flowered. Patience is key, as it might take some time for the new growth to emerge.
  • Be Patient with Natural Growth Cycle: Orchids operate on their own timetable, and new growth may take time. Be patient and attentive to the needs of your orchid, providing the care it requires for robust development.
  • Consider Repotting: If your orchid is due for repotting, this post-bloom period can be an ideal time. Inspect the roots for health, and repot using fresh orchid potting mix if needed.

Although growing orchids may seem challenging, with just a little attention to their growing environment, you will be rewarded with a healthy, beautifully blooming plant. Explore the vast, colourful variety in our greenhouses of orchids, tropical, and flowering houseplants, where our experienced, professional gardening experts will help you find the perfect plant.