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Extending the Life of Carved and Uncarved Pumpkins

October 5, 2023

Fun carved pumpkins


Whether you’ve carved a spooky masterpiece or are accenting your porch with these orange beauties, knowing how to extend the life of your pumpkins is the key to enjoying their vibrant presence throughout the season. In this guide, we’ll share some expert Sheridan tips to help you keep your pumpkins looking fresh and festive for as long as possible.

For Uncarved Pumpkins:
  • Choose Wisely: Opt for firm ones without any soft spots or blemishes when selecting pumpkins. A healthy pumpkin will last longer.
  • Keep Them Clean: Before displaying your uncarved pumpkins, clean them with a mixture of water and a small amount of dish soap. This helps remove dirt and potential contaminants.
  • Avoid Moisture: Moisture is the enemy of pumpkins. Ensure they are not in contact with wet surfaces or sitting in puddles, which can cause premature rotting.
  • Elevate Them: Place your uncarved pumpkins on a clean, dry surface, such as a wooden pallet or a layer of straw. This provides airflow, reducing the risk of mold and rot.
  • Rotate Periodically: Every few weeks, gently rotate your pumpkins to ensure even exposure to air and prevent any flattening on one side.
  • Cool Storage: If temperatures rise unexpectedly, consider storing your uncarved pumpkins in a cool, dry place overnight to protect them from excessive heat.


For Carved Pumpkins:
  • Seal the Edges: As soon as you’ve finished carving your pumpkin, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or vegetable oil to the cut edges. This protective barrier prevents moisture loss and preserves the pumpkin’s texture.
  • Refrigeration: Carved pumpkins can benefit from a stay in the refrigerator or cooler outdoors overnight. Wrap them in plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out, and place them in the fridge. This can help keep the pumpkin firm for a bit longer.
  • Hydration: Carved pumpkins tend to dehydrate quickly. To combat this, create a solution of water and bleach (one teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water) and use a spray bottle to mist the inside of the pumpkin daily. This will help slow down the decay process.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Place your carved pumpkin in a shaded area during the day. Direct sunlight can accelerate the deterioration of your pumpkin.
  • Use LED Lights: Consider replacing traditional candles with battery-powered ones. Not only are they safer, but they also generate less heat, which can help preserve the pumpkin’s structure.


Enjoy the vibrant presence of your pumpkins throughout the fall season. So, whether you’re crafting jack-o’-lanterns or simply adorning your home with these festive gourds, you can savour their beauty for weeks to come.

Happy pumpkin preserving!